Here are boating resources and information by London Boaters. Members may comment on matters presented here, and add items to the London Boaters directory.

Bottle gas delivery

For fast bottle gas delivery service call B Ernest gas 07704136871 for quick same day delivery service. We also sell coal, fire lighters, heat log, wood kindling, Firelog, wood logs etc.

You can also order online at :

A new boat yard at Stonebridge N17

Photo of Stonebridge Boat Yard

Just bring your boat to Stonebridge and ask us to empty your bilge. If you do it Wednesday to Sunday you can go to Steve and Christine's cafe while you wait.

The busy little boat yard is pleased to announce our new offer. Lister SR and BMC engines oil and filter changes 90 pounds. Beta/Isuzu etc from 100 depending on model (yes that includes the parts). All offers include a free alternator charging check up. Call 07909520920 to book.

BATTERY TESTING CHARGING MAINTENANCE and DISPOSAL - We now have electric supply onsite, so if you want to know the condition of your battery, want to put it on charge overnight or have a dud you want to try and recover, give us a call or pop into the boat yard above Stonebridge lock.

A question of control?

July 2018 - Perhaps boaters, especially experienced, full-time, boaters, are slightly paranoid about attempts to bind them with ever more restrictions – but it does sometimes feel Canal & River Trust is drawing the net of rules ever more tightly. Peter Underwood muses about creeping restrictions on life afloat.

Too many GPs deter CCers from signing up at surgeries

September 2017 - A new survey shows some GP practises seem to be ignoring official NHS guidelines and refusing to accept liveaboard CCers and their families. The figures also suggest the refusals are deterring other boaters from even trying, as Alec Wood discovered,

The findings of a survey by the London branch of the National Bargee Travellers Association (NBTA) show that nearly four in ten (36 per cent) have had problems registering with a GP because they have no permanent address and more than 30 per cent haven't even tried to register.

Trust issues safety warning to summer swimmers

June 2017 - Many boaters have come across youngsters swimming in the canals, even jumping and diving into locks as hot weather draws them to the canalside – but it is a prospect that – rightly – makes Canal River Trust nervous, as Peter Underwood reports.

It's pretty common for older boaters to complain about the 'health and safety' culture of the modern waterways, but the consequences of not protecting the public with effective health and safety rules has come home to all but the most dyed-in-the-wool in recent weeks.

Driving Licence renewal may drive liveaboards round the bend

May 2017 - One of the most frustrating things about making your home on a boat is dealing with the demands of government and Peter Underwood's own experiences with the DVLA confirms life isn't getting simpler.

Driving licences are now all photo identity cards that have to be renewed every 10 years and the Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency (DVLA) reckons there are millions of out of date licences out there.

A word of warning about boat renting

April 2017 - Following the sinking of a boat that was being rented out, apparently through a shared ownership deal, in London, Peter Underwood looks at the growing pressure on the Canal & River Trust to take action.

Heather Deakin and her boyfriend were on a narrowboat, Midnight Diamond, on the River Lea south of Tottenham Lock when the vessel started to take in water. Within minutes it tipped over and was almost completely submerged, and Heather Deakin, 34, a student at the College of Naturopathic Medicine, lost most of her possessions.

Windlass Do's and Don'ts - VIDEO

February 2017 - Sue Cawson, a lifetime boater, liveaboard and owner of an historic boat, as well as a member of C&RT's Navigation Committee and a stalwart of the Historic Narrowboat Owners Club reckons she knows a thing or two about boating and argues that traditional techniques can be adapted for modern boating.

So we have challenged her to produce some bite sized bits of advice and a few months ago she wrote about the simple issue of windlasses.

Return from the Lanky - and a rescue - VIDEOS

February 2017 - Peter Underwood recalls an expedition to the northern waters of the Lancashire Canal.

If the route north through the Bridgewater Canal is cleared in time, many more boaters will be planning to make the crossing of the Ribble Estuary to take a look at the Lanky. About three years ago we made the trip and I made a few videos about the preparation needed, the crossing, the canal and the return journey.

In addition I looked at the un-restored Northern Reaches which have since been adopted by a nerw group of enthusiasts led by Colin Ogden.


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