Here are boating resources and information by London Boaters. Members may comment on matters presented here, and add items to the London Boaters directory.

Giant Hogweed identification and dangers

Ever forage for wood or kindling? Common around waterways, beware that the sap from Giant Hogweed seriously burns you via Phytophotodermatitis, even for many years after initial exposure.

Yes you cannot overstate the danger of GIANT HOGWEED! Watch this super informative video show you just how - Go to 14:40 in the video to learn how to spot the young plants as well as when fully grown.

Things to know when thinking about buying a narrowboat to Continuously Cruise - VIDEO

Jasmin's excellent "Thinking of Buying A Narrowboat To Continuously Cruise? My HUGE list of PROs And CONS" video

Here are links to videos about each topic, and a play list with all these videos and a few bonus.

Interactive map of facilities

Here is a shared map with all water/recycling/pump outs etc and other POIs

Gas Safety Week 2017

Image for Gas Safety Week 2017

Who said your neighbours’ gas is safe?

Gas safety and Coulrophobia

Gas Safety logo

Gas safety and Coulrophobia* – by Ron Gooding

It seems so simple working with gas. A little bit of pipe, some orange hose with numbers on it and a few clips. Also my mate’s dad is a plumber and said he can help. I mean it isn’t rocket science is it?

About Renting a boat in London

If you are thinking of hiring or renting a boat privately, offering your boat for hire, or buying a boat to rent-out, The Canal and River Trust has recently published the following statement about privately renting boats:

Register to vote in the 2015 General Election

Have you registered to vote in the General Election on 7 May?

If you live on a boat, you must register by 20th April and before every election to be eligible to vote.

Live aboard boaters in Hackney can register to vote by declaring a local connection. The declaration of a local connection form can be requested by calling 020 8356 3232 or by collecting a form in person from Electoral Services at Hackney Town Hall, Mare Street, London E8 1EA.

CRT "Places" Maps defy Law and Geography

National Bargee Travellers Association statement: Canal & River Trust "Places" Maps Defy Law and Geography.

Registering with a GP

Boaters sometimes have difficulty registering with a doctor because we can’t provide a home address in the surgery’s catchment area.

Generally, a surgery is only obligated to take you on if “you live within the catchment area and it is accepting new patients”.

This means that ultimately it is down to the discretion of the practice whether they agree register you as a permanent patient.

Boaters' Tips - Security

These are tips and ideas from boaters on safety and security on the water:

If you do have something stolen, set up Ebay and Gumtree alerts for them. Valuable items like bikes and generators sometimes come up for sale.

Try to take a picture of suspected burglers. Not only does this help identification, sometimes even just pretending to take a photograph can frighten them off.

Be secure, but don’t make a fortress you can’t escape from in a fire.

Don’t be daft (e.g. using your MacBook Pro with the curtains open, in Hackney, at midnight).


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